Hey Reader, 2023 UPDATE TO THIS CHALLENGE: If you don't already have an HYSA (High Yield Savings Account) for your emergency fund and long-term savings, consider opening one ASAP!!! Regular Checking account: Our paychecks are deposited to our checking account. We keep enough cash in this account for all our bills and regular monthly expenses. HYSA: We keep our emergency fund and all other cash savings in our HYSA. It pays a MUCH, much higher interest rate (currently 4%), but has limited...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader, "If Plan A doesn't work out - the alphabet has 25 more letters. Stay cool." 😎 Time to check in on your finances! Consider this your monthly reminder to update your Net Worth -- an easy way to track your financial progress. 📈 Need the Money Meeting Agenda? DOWNLOAD Money Fit Challenge of the Month: EMERGENCY FUND Most people understand the obvious purpose of an emergency fund because it's right there in the name: Emergencies. (Notice it's not called the "Kitchen Renovation Fund" ....
almost 2 years ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader, "I'm doing the work, I'm baby-stepping, I'm not a slacker!" - What About Bob Time to check in on your finances! Consider this your monthly reminder to update your Net Worth -- an easy way to track your financial progress. 📈 Need the ✨UPDATED!!✨ Monthly Budget Meeting Agenda? DOWNLOAD 💸 MONEY FIT CHALLENGE of the month: DEBT + CREDIT First, to my DEBT-FREE Readers: Did you know . . . 20% of consumers have an error on their credit report. WHAT??! Spot errors by requesting your free...
about 2 years ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader, A 7% investment DOUBLES every decade, so what you save + invest NOW is worth MUCH more than later. But it's a balance between saving and living! Travel and family time are my personal financial priorities. Less stuff, more living. 🥰 Monthly Money Meeting! Don't forget to update your Net Worth to check your financial progress! Ways to track: Your Own Spreadsheet Money Fit Tracker Spreadsheet Personal Capital (Free + Retirement Planner) Need the Monthly Budget Meeting Agenda?...
about 2 years ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader, "I'm going to eat healthier, so first I need to eat all the junk food in the house so it's not there to tempt me anymore." - New Year's Resolution Logic 😂 Make your Financial Goal EASY with AUTO-CONTRIBUTIONS! Best thing about financial goals: you can change your auto-contributions ONCE and automatically make progress toward your goals for DECADES. #WINNING!! Potential Financial Goals: PAY-OFF DEBT -or- INCREASE INVESTING 📈 If you have credit card debt . . . set a goal to pay that...
about 2 years ago • 1 min read